(833) 749-3878


Helping You Facilitate Fiduciary Compliance


What Is E-Vault™

Fidant Solution’s E-Vault™ is a file management service designed to help you track your fiduciary requirements.  All documents will be reviewed and approved by Robert D’Aniballe.


Our Approach

It is imparative to keep an ongoing record of your fiduciary duty.  We “hand hold” you through this complicated process.


Our Mission

We strive to ensure your onging fiduciary compiance by monitoring the crucial aspects and requirements of ERISA, the EBSA, and the DOL.

Getting Started

To begin your fiduciary due diligence subscribe to the option that fits your plan.  Tiers of service are based on the number of participants and will be automatically charged as an ongoing monthly subscription.  All tiers offer the same level of service.

The Importance of Fiduciary Compliance

Today, 403(b) fiduciaries are facing an increasingly challenging environment in regard to DOL audits and class action lawsuits. In the 403(b) arena, many higher education institutions have been the target of class action lawsuits alleging breach of fiduciary duties in regard to the selection of vendors, identification of available investment options, and the fees and expenses absorbed by plan participants in regard to the administration of the subject plans, among other things. The Pietragallo law firm is equipped with capable and experienced counsel who are able to educate and assist your plan fiduciaries in regard to the development, implementation, and maintenance of a well-documented prudent process. Fidant Solutions, LLC offers E-Vault™, its electronic portal, as a safe and secure fiduciary management system.

E-Vault Pricing

Service plan are priced by number of participants per plan.  Subscriptions are billed monthly.

Our Office

1234 Test St. #1000
Steubenville, OH 23514, USA

Contact Us


Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed